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Why Cancer Screening is the Most Reliable Method of Detecting Cancer?

By November 26, 2020No Comments
Cancer Screening

Cancer remains a major health concern worldwide due to its increasing incidences. The rising occurrence is largely attributable to the numerous environmental, socioeconomic, and lifestyle factors across the world.

Genetic factors too are responsible for its outcome but it is observed only in very few cases. The foremost cancer risk factors are occupational exposures, infectious agents, use of tobacco, environmental contamination, excessive intake of alcohol, and lifestyle factors.

There has been a dramatic rise in cancer-related cases and the most reliable tool for reducing the incidences is cancer screening. Timely cancer screening plays an important role in increasing the chances of survival.

Cancer exerts tremendous emotional, physical, and financial pressure on patients and their families. Many patients can’t afford this burden and cannot access timely and proper diagnosis and treatment.

According to a study, cancer is in the second position leading to death globally. Approximately 9.6 million deaths take place due to cancer and the disease is among one in six deaths.

Cancer is a dangerous disease that is growing exponentially across the world. A comprehensive health awareness programme can bring significant changes worldwide.

The instances of cancer can improve through these awareness programmes. People get aware of maintaining a healthy lifestyle and different preventive measures.

When a person is detected with cancer after undergoing screening they get confused regarding their next course of action.

They need to gather knowledge on tackling the situation. People get educated to take the right decision after reconfirmation and reassurance through a second opinion.

Most insurance companies bear the cost of a second opinion and relief the patient from this financial burden.

Cancer screening and later a second opinion changes the track of the disease to offer quality life and provides longevity to the patient.

Benefits of the new age screening device

The screening of cancer has its own benefits. It not only detects cancer at an early stage but also aids in preventing its outcome.

Though, the classical method of screening carried many disadvantages like exposure to radiation, physical contact, expensive, and false alert, etc.

People had social stigma related to screening and so they averted to undergo screening. But the new technique of screening reduces the social stigma and encourages more people to undergo screening for cancer.

The device has the potential to automatically screen cancer with its built-in diagnostic platform and can be easily operated.

It offers accurate and reliable cancer screening. The new and latest technologically advanced device has its own benefits such as –

  • Radiation-free screening
  • Screening is cost-effective
  • Portable and automatic device
  • No physical contact required
  • AI-enabled screening
  • Ability to perform screening at a large scale
  • Provides reliable and accurate screening

Also Read, Screening reduces the risk of breast cancer

The new age screening device has made it possible to detect cancer safely and reliably. Routine cancer screening can aid in reducing the instances of cancer.

The screening of cancer helps in preventing and detecting cancer at an early stage. A routine screening aids in detecting the abnormal cells before it develops into a cancer cell.

The detection of these abnormal cells increases the recovery chance and helps in finding appropriate treatment options.

The early detection not only offers proficient treatment options but also helps to detect cancer in an asymptomatic patient.

In case cancer remains undetected in an asymptomatic patient then the condition of the patient starts deteriorating slowly. Cancer is a daunting disease and its early detection smoothes its treatment process.

A second opinion after cancer screening results in better recovery 

The way cancer screening helps in the recovery process the same way a second opinion increases the chances of survival and recovery rate.

A patient usually gets traumatised when detected with cancer and a second opinion will help them to deal with the situation.

The patient needs to reassure and reconfirm the treatment plan through a second opinion to find a better treatment suitable for them. A second opinion provides a comprehensive treatment plan.

After screening is performed and a patient is detected with cancer then a second opinion brings confidence in the line of treatment of the patient. A patient gathers enough information to make the best possible decision.

A cancer screening along with a second opinion plays a vital role in leading a healthy life. It has the potential to increase their recovery chances and ultimately reduces the mortality rate.

Awareness of cancer helps in raising the number of screenings done every year.

Awareness programme camp raises awareness about the disease and helps the general people understand that the disease is not incurable and something to be afraid of if proper precautions are taken.

This in turn increases the number of screenings resulting in fewer deaths caused by ignorance of the disease.

Cancer has always been regarded as something to be afraid of, but by regular screenings and early action, this dangerous disease can easily be cured.

As it has been truthfully saying, ‘prevention is better than cure’. Increasing the number of screenings for cancer will inevitably reduce the number of deaths caused by cancer.

The social stigma attached to the screening of cancer is detrimental to successful curing of the disease, and can also irreversibly affect the patient’s health in case the disease is found in a later stage.

Note :

A screening undertaken through the technologically advanced device identifies the cancer cells even in an asymptomatic patient and is the most reliable method of detecting cancer.

Routine screening has the ability to detect cancer at an early stage when appropriate treatment can be offered.

A certain delay in the diagnosis of cancer can be fatal. Timely and regular screening can change the scenario for betterment.

A simple lapse in detection can be life-threatening. An early screening prevents cancer from reaching the advanced stage when the situation gets too complicated and treatment option gets restricted.

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