“The Greatest Wealth is Health”
Women go through many phases of transitions that take a toll on their health such as pregnancy, motherhood, and menopause. The age of 20 to 30 years is the most important years of a women’s life as during this period they build their career and may start a family. Hence, it becomes the most significant period of their life. They go through huge physical and mental stress and need to prepare themselves for their present and also for the future.
A healthy body brings complete harmony of the body, mind, and spirit and instills happiness in one’s life. We must keep our health in check to ensure a brighter and healthier future. A little bit of awareness towards the body needs some effort and vigilance. It determines the future health condition and must be taken seriously to lead a healthy life.
Importance of preventive healthcare for women
- It helps to deal with health issues before it gets worse and saves from high medical bills.
- Increases longevity
- Aids in improving long-term health by incorporating a healthy diet and regular physical examination.
- Looks for risk in future health condition
- It provides a clear picture of the present health condition.
Most important health check-ups to be done to lead a better life.
# 1. Pap Smear Screening and Breast Cancer Screening
The Pap smear test aids in finding out the signs of cervical cancer. It needs to be done every 3 years. A breast cancer screening helps to detect any abnormalities at an early stage and provides better treatment options along with higher chances of survival.
Women often hesitate to do a regular pelvic and breast exam due to discomfort and a clinical exam helps to reduce many risks associate with it.
# 2. Lipid Profile
High cholesterol leads to heart disease and stroke hence a regular lipid profile test helps to track out any abnormalities. Those people with a family history of high cholesterol and heart disease must do it regularly to avoid any worse outcomes. Even those who smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol frequently, are overweight, have kidney disease, PCOS, lead an inactive lifestyle, or with an underactive thyroid gland must also perform the test.
# 3. Thyroid Function Test
To maintain a normal body metabolism the thyroid gland production has to be normal. A thyroid function test checks the function of the thyroid gland. It also determines whether the production of hormones from the thyroid gland is normal, overactive, or underactive. The importance of this test is to mainly diagnose an overactive (hyperthyroidism) and an underactive thyroid gland (hypothyroidism).
# 4. The Complete Hemogram Blood Test
It measures the number of RBCs, WBCs, and platelets in the blood. It also measures the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR). The RBC test provides information on the cause of anemia like iron and vitamin B12 deficiency. WBC test diagnoses viral, bacterial, and parasitic infections and blood disorders.
# 5. Eye Check-up
An eye check-up must be done every 2 years to avoid any vision problems and eye diseases. It is also important to perform regular eye check-ups for people suffering from diabetes.
Note :
Women address unique health challenges during their lifetime and hence it is important to visit the doctor regularly for a health check-up to avoid any future complications. A woman is the keystone of her entire family and her access to quality health care leads to healthier and more stable families. Prioritizing health brings positive changes into life and is an investment for the future.