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Benefits of Physical Activity for Cancer Patients

By December 18, 2020No Comments
Physical Activity

Cancer is a dreadful disease and can only be dealt with, with a strong mind and body. A sedentary lifestyle may welcome some more side-effects of cancer.

It is important for a cancer patient to remain physically fit to deal with the after-effects of cancer. The exercise regime must be tailor-made by a professional and according to the physical state of the cancer patient.

Even a lower level of physical activity proves helpful for a cancer patient.

Cancer patients performing exercise have significantly better physical functioning, less mental distress, less fatigue than those who do not exercise. Exercise is a vital part of cancer management.

A regular exercise regime helps in improving the physical and mental health of the cancer patient. It is always better to take advice from the doctor before starting an exercise program.

The ability to exercise varies from patient to patient. Hence, an expert opinion in this regard will be beneficial for the wellbeing of the patient.

A well-knit exercise program can show a positive effect on the patient’s mental, physical, and emotional wellbeing.

  • Exercise helps to cope with the side-effects of cancer.
  • It improves fatigue, mental distress, and emotional imbalance.
  • It improves the physical function of the patient.
  • Patients should take advice from the doctor and trainer who have experience in dealing with cancer patients.
  • Physical activity is safer for cancer patients if it is properly prescribed and monitored.
  • Exercise regimes should be tailor-made depending on the ability and health condition of the patient.

Cancer patients are encouraged to perform exercise regularly. To safeguard their health issues exercise regime must be advised and monitored by a qualified trainer.

Also Read, Early Diagnosis help to Combat a Dreadful Disease Like Cancer

Exercise can be of great help to the patient coping up with their treatment. People exercising on a regular basis face less severe side effects from cancer treatment.

Exercise helps to maintain a healthy balance, reduce pain, preserve bone mass, and improves sleep quality.

A well-designed exercise regime can offer positive effects during and after the treatment. It lowers the chance of treatment side effects i.e. neuropathy, nausea, lymphedema, fatigue, and osteoporosis.

A cancer patient goes through a lot of emotional trauma and proper physical activity reduces the risk of depression and anxiety. Physical activity helps to build strength and prevent muscle loss.

Few effective exercises to help cancer patient deal with their issues

There are numerous exercises that help the cancer patient to cope up with their strenuous condition. Some patients face difficulty in breathing and have shortness of breath.

Exercises are good for the patient’s wellbeing and must be done after consulting their doctor and from a qualified trainer.

  • Breathing exercises improve their breathing ability and stamina. It helps them to continue with their physical activity and perform their routine exercises.
  • Stretching exercises can increase flexibility and endurance. It increases the flow of blood and oxygen level in the body. Stretching helps to relax the stiff muscles.
  • Cardio exercise increases the heart rate. It keeps the heart and lungs strong. Walking is a good cardio exercise and can be done at a moderate pace.
  • Strength training or resistance training helps in building strong muscles. Cancer patients muscle weakens and exercise helps in increasing their muscle mass. It also helps in keeping the bones strong and fight osteoporosis.

In an analysis on breast cancer patients in all stages, it was found that patient’s quality of life, energy, and strength, fitness, anxiety and depression, waist circumference, lower body mass index significantly improved who underwent an exercise program.

Exercise during cancer treatment shows improvement in the health condition of the patient and their energy levels, physical function, weight/BMI, sleep quality, psychosocial function, and quality of life improved drastically.

A well individually tailor made exercise plan shows immense benefits in cancer patients of different cancers and from different stages. It must be carried out along with the ongoing treatment.

It will aid in dealing with the side-effects effectively. A proper exercise regime empowers the patient to improve their well-being and lead a quality life.

A cancer patient gets physically and mentally stressed out. Cancer is a frightening disease and with the help of exercise, they can fight the disease bravely and can control the aftereffect of cancer treatment to some extent.

Everyday inclusion of physical activity will avert weight problems and the patient can maintain a healthy weight and reduce the risk of cancer recurrence.

Being active helps to keep the hormones in control and averts any further complexities. Exercise helps in increasing immunity, reducing inflammation, regulates blood sugar levels, and improves metabolism.

It improves the brain, heart, lung function and also improves the bone and muscle mass. Exercise brings positivity and aids in coping with the situation effectively.

A cancer patient who exercise regularly lead a better and meaningful life.


Cancer being a debilitating disease needs a lot of attention to improve the health condition of the patient.

A patient goes through a lot of emotional, mental, and physical trauma, and exercise help in dealing with all these situations. The treatment and the burden of the disease weaken the patient both internally and externally and getting oneself engaged in a regular exercise regime can be life-changing.

Exercise must be done according to their health condition including some cardio, weight training, resistance training, stretching, and breathing exercises to remain healthy and to bring a better outcome of the treatment. Regular exercise also helps to deal with mental conditions such as depression and anxiety.

To have some physical activity on a daily basis proves to be helpful for the patient. A sedentary lifestyle may welcome unwanted health hazards so it’s important to keep moving and stay healthy.

Exercise plays a vital role in the wellbeing of the patient undergoing treatment and encourages living a healthy and quality life. The patient shows a positive attitude for the future and stays in the peace of mind.

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