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How does an Early Diagnosis help to Combat a Dreadful Disease Like Cancer?

By December 1, 2020No Comments
early diagnosis for cancer

Cancer is a life-threatening disease to which millions of people have succumbed to. It is not something to be taken lightly and prevention should be taken as early as possible. Raising awareness amongst the people will help in lowering the morbidity and the mortality rate.

An early diagnosis of cancer plays a significant role in improving the condition of the patient. Moreover, early detection of cancer reduces the treatment cost and in addition to it offers better recovery chances.

In the case of cancer the more the delay occurs the more complex the case gets. So, the best option is to take prevention and undergo scanner screening to get detected during the early stage of cancer.

In case if a patient is not timely detected, the cancer cells start to spread and become harder to treat.

As cancer spreads even the most effective treatment gets difficult and survival chances reduce. Cancer awareness aids in early diagnosis.

Steps to increase cancer awareness among the population

  • Promoting cancer detection in mass.
  • Initiate schools, colleges, and corporate houses to organise screening programmes to increase awareness among the students, teachers, and employees.
  • Let the mass know about cancer symptoms and the benefits associated with early detection.
  • Provide information on the bad effects of using tobacco, and other unhealthy habits.
  • Spreading the word through social media.

According to a WHO study, cancers are preventable between 30-50% by adopting a healthy lifestyle. Cancer treatment is expensive and measures should be taken to reduce its occurrence.

The suffering of the patient increases in the late stage of cancer and treatment gets harder to treat the disease. Every year many deaths take place due to cancer across the world. If a proper initiative is not taken in time many lives may get lost.

Cancer screening an important step to combat cancer

Regular screening aids in preventing cancer to some extent. It can detect abnormal cells when they are still in their initial stage and can be detected even in an asymptomatic person.

Cancer screening makes it possible to save many lives by detecting cancer at an early stage. A timely diagnosis prevents cancer from spreading and cancer care costs are reduced.

The promising development in cancer screening device aids in detecting cancer without its adverse effects.

The new device has its own benefits such as it is a radiation-free, cost-effective, portable device, built-in diagnostic platform, AI-enabled device, automatic, useful in large-scale screening, and real-time cloud-based reports are generated.

Most cancer deaths are preventable with a timely diagnosis. In the late stages of cancer, the complications increase and reduce life expectancy.

Cancer is curable if detected in time

Cancer is the most complex disease and the patients may not show any symptom at an early stage. The importance of early diagnosis for cancer is huge as it enables the patient to undergo a better and appropriate treatment regime.

It increases the chances of recovery and aids in enjoying a healthy and long life. A delay in diagnosis can be a major factor in the deteriorating condition of the patient.

Many patients remain unaware of the symptoms of cancer and a health awareness program can help them to get educated and collect information about the disease and remain aware to lead a quality and healthy life.

People of all ages should be encouraged to undergo regular health check-ups and take proper care of their health.

An early detected cancer not only increases the length of life, but it also provides a better quality of life. A little step towards health can bring happiness to the individual and their family.

Early diagnosis lessens treatment costs and increases life expectancy

An early diagnosis has the potential to cut off the treatment cost and increase the chances of survival. The treatment available in the early stage improves treatment’s overall efficiency and increases the chances of survival.

As cancer progresses to an advanced stage the chances of survival decreases and treatment too gets complicated and expensive. It affects a person’s socio-economic condition.

It becomes too difficult for a middle or lower-middle-class family to afford the cost. Many medical insurance companies provide cancer-related insurance schemes.

In case the patient doesn’t have one then the situation gets very difficult to handle leaving no other option but to quit the expensive treatment regime. An advanced stage of cancer treatment is challenging and also very costly.

The financial burden related to cancer treatment is tremendous including the medication costs, hospitalization costs, and other treatment expenses.

An early diagnosis of cancer plays a vital role in combating the disease effectively and efficiently. The technological advance in cancer treatment has evolved and many are curable only if detected at an early stage.

Early diagnosis has paramount importance and initiatives need to be taken to increase the percentage of screening among the population. With the increase in screening more cases of cancer can be detected and a proper treatment plan can be offered.

The treatment at an early stage is cost-effective and helps the patient to recover fast. There are many choices of treatment available during the early stage.

With proper and timely guidance early-stage cancer can be handled in a better way. The treatment aids the patient to live a healthy life and the chances of survival increase.


Cancer is a debilitating disease and needs to be handled carefully. Usually, people are not aware of the existence of cancer in their body, and when symptoms progress the condition deteriorates and choices of treatment get restricted.

An advanced-stage cancer is very difficult to tackle and the treatment gets complicated.

If detected at an early stage of the abnormal cells can be eliminated and leaving the healthy cells in the body.

The condition improves with the early diagnosis for cancer and treatment costs can be reduced. A person can lead a quality and healthy life by adopting a healthy lifestyle and regular cancer screening.

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